I have heard Bonsai descibed in many ways - art, horticulture, minitrisation, illusion, even torture.

Bonsai trees that are well kept are extremely vibrant and healthy, and in many cases will long out live their 'natural' family - many bonsai can be traced through many generations and can be 100's of years old.

Personally for me bonsai is not only a passion, but its also a metaphor: My personal experience with my health (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) has many parrells with bonsai, I hope to explore these in this Blog.

Monday, May 28, 2012


I'm tired
I have not slept

Sickness is winning in our house atm.

One of the down sides to bring immuno compromised - or is it immuno suppressed? - is obviously that I get sick.
I seem to get

•sick much more quickly than other people (eg I was fine Saturday, late Saturday night alittle unwell, by Sunday morning I was cactus)

•sick for longer that most people, a cold for instance might for some people pass in a couple of days - for me might be a couple of weeks

•complications, as in a cold or sickness for me might often does very quickly turn into chest, ear,throat infections and the alike

•And like any good preschooler I seem to catch every new version of every sickness as it comes out each year.

But it's something that I/we need to roll with. My immune system unfortunately will never get back to 100% due to my previous (and in many ways I guess) ongoing fatigue issues.

Autumn has always been my favorite time of the year - but over the last 5 years I have grown to dread the cold weather change and the sicknesses it inevitably brings -


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Really, its been 6 months ....

Its good to be back in the blogging world
Its also hard to believe its been nearly 6 months or so.

I was following the advice of a wise friend - when things at the end of last year were getting busy (by my standards) that the last extra thing that you’ve taken on has to be the first thing that has to go. In this case that was blogs.

Funnily enough looking back at my last posts they were about the IBS 2011 Bonsai Show, which has also just happened for 2012 as well – there seems to be some kind of nice symmetry there.

We had just got back from our big “abandon everything” holiday when I last posted – and a lot was decided and discussed on our cruise.

Life has been new, different, difficult and improved in the last 6 months and I’m looking forward to getting back into posting again. 
